Profit & Loss

Minimum access level: Tax, Accounting & Users, unless stated otherwise.


Attribute Description Kind
from Start date of the P&L report Date
to End date of the P&L report Date
income Income at the end of the report's period, in the company's native currency Decimal
expenses Expenses at the end of the report's priod, in the company's native currency Decimal
operating_profit Profit from the business' day-to-day trading and activities, at the end of the report's period, in the company's native currency Decimal

Totals which are subtracted from the operating profit in order to calculate the retained profit. Each item has the following elements:

  • title: What is being subtracted
  • total: Amount subtracted, in company's native currency
retained_profit Retained profit at the end of the report's period Decimal
retained_profit_brought_forward Retained profit brought forward from previous year Decimal
retained_profit_carried_forward Distributable profit at the end of the report's period Decimal

Get the P&L summary


Date Filters

Note: Requested date periods must be equal to or less than 12 months or be contained within a single accounting year.

The request can be filtered either with an annual accounting period or by specifying start and end dates. When no parameters are provided the default time period will be the current accounting year to date.

  • from_date
  • to_date

The from_date and to_date params should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If specifying only one of the date params, the other will default: from_date to the start of the current accounting period and to_date to today.

  • accounting_period

The accounting period parameter should be in the format 2022/23, indicating the start and end year of the period.


The profit and loss for the current accounting period.

Status: 200 OK
  "profit_and_loss_summary": {
    "from": "2016-06-01",
    "to": "2016-09-05",
    "income": "3800",
    "expenses": "8200",
    "operating_profit": "-4400",
    "less": [
        "title": "Corp. Tax",
        "total": "0"
        "title": "Dividends",
        "total": "50"
        "title": "Adjustments",
        "total": "0"
    "retained_profit": "-4450",
    "retained_profit_brought_forward": "15817",
    "retained_profit_carried_forward": "11367"
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <from type="date">2016-06-01</from>
    <to type="date">2016-09-05</to>
    <less type="array">
        <title>Corp. Tax</title>
Show as JSON